Saturday, April 17, 2010


In the film Shaft was asked, "Where the hell are you going?" to which he replied to him, "to get laid, where the hell are you going?". This film is all about conquest. Not neccesarily referring to the action oriented with kicking the bad guys ass as a detective and sticking it to the gangster mafia. No, I mean getting some action by the ladies. Much like today things have not changed much. It seems men are defined not by the bad ass things they do but how much they can achieve in there sexual conquests. It is as if how much sex they have shows how masculine they are and in turn gains the respect of all his male counterparts and wins the hearts of women. Compared to today's films the only difference being is the rock hard muscle men you see as the lead. They tend to blow things up and make big spectacles of everything all at the same time of getting laid and winning the girl. It is as if the men today have more to prove to being the manly man then Shaft ever did. All he needed to do is cross his arms and stand there staring knowingly that he was going to win and it would strike fear into his oppressor or enemy such as the gangsters. Muscle men in today's films are about aggression and with Shaft he uses the intimidation factor. He is more of a man and has less to prove because he has that wow factor that everyman cowers to and every woman falls for. Today's film the men have more to prove in terms of masculinity.

1 comment:

  1. Some good points. I'm not sure that it's really 'all about conquest' though, given that the end goal wasn't conquest but saving a kidnapped young woman, and the method wasn't conquering everybody else, but rather getting factions who hated each other to work together to accomplish it. Your points about images of masculinity are good. More about the racial depictions in this movie, and on the reading, would have been even better.
